Yo-Yo "V" Antenna - 4 Spools (add 2 extension spools for 75m)
I am currently testing with a neat fan dipole design called the
Yo-Yo V (Inverted "V") primarily for 40m and 75m.
What I like about it is that it is very functional and transports compactly in a tidy package.
Initial test results are quite promising.
- With one pair of spools rolled out their full length for 40m, the automatic tuner barely budged.
- The other pair set to a guess-ta-mated length for 20m, we could tune up fast on 20m, 2 other bands took more Of course, if I had adjust the lengths for each specific band then the antenna tuner would not have had to really work so hard.
- The ease and speed of set-up/take-down is good.
- I recommend setting up a halyard to raise and lower the antenna to avoid tangled lines.
- Use one pair of reels for 40m, and use the other set with and additional set of reels to extend the length for 75m operation.
I am hanging it from a 31' Telescoping Fiberglass Mass (pole) with the top two sections retracted to add strength.
The extended mast slips over a light duty metal 4' Fence Post which is hammered into the dirt to the depth of its spade anchor for stability.
The Yo-Yo V is commercially available at:
SAVE $$$
You can make your own at a
much more reasonable cost*.
Find out how at:
* Be sure to add the balun for a center insulator.
Available at fine Ham Fests and Amateur Equipment suppliers near you... or...
The Jackite Telescoping Mast (pole) is available at: